Transitions Big and Small

The end of the school year brings with it so many unknowns. The end of the year is a time of huge transitions.

Do you know the difference between a BIG T Transition and small t transition? Did you know that you can help support your child through different transitions in small ways?
The focus of this blog post is all about transitions and how to support and understand them.

BIG T VS little t Transitions

It’s the end of June and all eyes are clearly focused on making it through the last few weeks of the school year. The end of the school year for many brings on the feeling of accomplishment and closure. However, for some the end of the school year can bring on anxiety and uncertainty. The end of one school year means there must be a start to another around the corner.

If the change in the fall is not just a grade level change it can also be a whole school change, a neighbourhood change or greater. The change in the fall can mean new teachers, new friends, and a new route to school.

So what is the difference between the BIG T and the little t… Well, let’s look at them one at a time.

BIG T Transitions -

BIG T Transitions are around those things that are life-changing. So think the bigger the move the bigger the T.

Specific examples of BIG T Transitions are:

  • Moving from one school to the next for example moving from Middle School to High School

  • Moving from one grade to the next. This involves an increase in demand, a change of rooms and perhaps a change in teachers.

  • Receiving a new teacher, either in a new school year or within the same school year.

  • If you move from one community to another. This would include moving houses or even cities.

  • Starting a new job. This means so many new things and may require a fair bit of adjustment.

In each of the above examples thought needs to be taken on how to support the person going through the transitions. In the example of moving schools, ensuring that a transition meeting can happen to support the individual. The transition meeting could look like going to visit the new school so get a feel for it. Another part of the transition plan here could be visiting the grounds of the school throughout the summer.

The main thing to consider when looking at supporting BIG T transitions is how can we help the individual know and understand the changes coming. Allowing them time to see, hear and maybe feel the things to come. Setting up the person with all the information they need to make a successful transition means there will be fewer unknowns.


Small t Transitions -

So if BIG T transitions are about big life changes, it would make sense that little t transitions are about smaller things. But let’s be super clear. Just because they are smaller things does NOT mean they are any more difficult.

Specific small t transitions are things such as:

  • Going from one activity in the classroom to another

  • Moving from one classroom to another

  • Playing with one person and then moving to play with another

In the classroom, the thing to consider is the students’ ability to move from activity to activity. Things that can support small changes are visual timers, visual schedules and lots of warnings. Although these transitions are smaller in their movement it does not make them any easier for the person. When looking at small t transitions it often takes more time and effort to have success. There tends to be less time to work up to the change and can sometimes be hard to figure out all the variables.

How can parents support transitions?

As parents, our role is to support our children make successful life moves. Sometimes those moves are small and sometimes those moves are bigger. When it comes to creating successful transitions ensuring communication between home and school is vital. Keeping the tools consistent between the locations is ideal for ensuring that there is less stress in each of the different types of transitions.

Knowing what is coming and what to expect in a transition can make all the difference. There is nothing easy about life changes, but when set up for success things often go much smoother!

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