The Power of the Word Dyslexia

Have you ever used a word and felt the power of that word? When it comes the learning disabilities and powerful words, there are none more powerful then the actual name of the learning disability or learning difference. For some naming the issue gives them power of understanding and knowledge. Why then are reports coming home with the word “Specific Learning Disorder” rather then writing ‘Dyslexia’ on the report? Seems to me it’s like the word Voldemort, if you don’t say it, it wont hurt you. I would argue we need to use it, and that’s not just with Dyslexia, I argue it’s needed with all challenges.

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4 Effective Steps to Creating Goals!

Happy New Year! With 2020 officially starting it’s common for many to set new goals for a new year. Do you have a goal for your child? Does your child have a goal in mind for themselves, academically or socially? Do you know what your child’s teachers goal is for them? Setting goals can mean having accountability for achieving high goals. Starting with 4 effective tools can help build those goals and support in reaching them.

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