Have you seen the terms DRA or CASI on your child’s IEP? Do you wonder how your child is being assessed for reading? This weeks blog explores both reading assessments genres to help you understand what they mean and how they assess for reading.
Read MoreOntario teacher are out on the picket line. Wondering how to support your student? Check out these apps and web based programs. They support students continue to learn while teachers are fight hard for small classes and support for students.
Read MoreHave you ever used a word and felt the power of that word? When it comes the learning disabilities and powerful words, there are none more powerful then the actual name of the learning disability or learning difference. For some naming the issue gives them power of understanding and knowledge. Why then are reports coming home with the word “Specific Learning Disorder” rather then writing ‘Dyslexia’ on the report? Seems to me it’s like the word Voldemort, if you don’t say it, it wont hurt you. I would argue we need to use it, and that’s not just with Dyslexia, I argue it’s needed with all challenges.
Read MoreWondering what the Ontario Human Rights Commission on the Right to Read is all about? This weeks post is looking at the reasons for why the OHRC is taking a look. Teacher children to read is basic human right.
Read MoreI recently hosted a Parent 101 Session on IEP’s. Today I am giving you the quick run down of what I covered. Are you still not sure about what each page is about in the Individual Education Plan (IEP)? The blog post is all about talking you through each page to help you build your knowledge!
Read MoreThe transition from Grade 8 high school can be a stressful one. Full of new things, new friends, new teachers and new hallways. After being in the safe space of grade school some students with learning challenges can find the jump to high school a tough one. Read to learn about 5 tips in supporting you make a successful transition from the little pond to the big one!
Read MoreHappy New Year! With 2020 officially starting it’s common for many to set new goals for a new year. Do you have a goal for your child? Does your child have a goal in mind for themselves, academically or socially? Do you know what your child’s teachers goal is for them? Setting goals can mean having accountability for achieving high goals. Starting with 4 effective tools can help build those goals and support in reaching them.
Read More5 Tips to help support your child with ADHD or other self-regulation struggles over the holiday season.
Read MoreAre you looking for someone to help you through the Special Education System? Do you have questions about your child’s Individual Education Plan? Having a child with a learning difference can be overwhelming and challenging. Knowing you have someone in your corner to support you can make the long days seem shorter!
Read MoreHave you been wondering what to expect from a sleep study? Wonder what it might look to have your child ready for a sleep study? This week on the blog a look at ADHD and how my son experienced a sleep study. I didn’t know what to expect and write about how it went for us.
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