We Made it!!!
Another school year done... Another year of growing... Another year of learning... Another great year behind us!!!
We made it!! Day one to Day 198!!
Every year since my oldest child started school I get very nervous about how the school year will go. My boys both have ADHD (attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (I hate that work... It's not a disorder, it's a different way to thinking) and LD's (specifically Dyslexia) so their behaviour on any given day can range from calm to out of control. One suffers with not being able to get along with his peers in a positive way all the time, the other struggles with just getting work done and not giving up. Our little one is just, to this point, coming along just fine but I am sure we'll encounter a different path for her as well.
When our eldest started school I had many, many, many phone calls. He was having trouble adjusting to school even after having spent a year in preschool learning how to be a student. He craved structure and craved the attention of a teacher to himself, but most importantly he struggled with peer relationships, taking turns and working alone. It was a tough first few years. I did a lot of advocacy work for him. Phone calls were constant and meetings felt like they happened all the time. A memory that sticks out is going for the first meet the teacher night... When the teacher saw us she said "Oh you're T's parents! I've been wanting to talk to you about your child's behaviour!". This was weeks into the school year, there was no prior phone call about any concerns. She just met us in the hallway outside the class as other parents walked by to say there were issues.
With our middle child we suspected much quicker that there were similar things happening, but even grater with academic issues. Because I'd been an advocate once already for eldest it was easier with him. The relationship building and trust building with the school came faster. I knew better how to navigate the system and find help. His needs are different, he struggles more with academics then with social skills. The agencies I connected with were different but it didn't change how hard I had to push for an IEP (Individual Education Plan) which the school thought was not needed. As a parent I knew there were things happening and I knew we'd need help.
As a parent it has been a long road to get them both what they needed. But today four years later we got glowing report cards for both kids. My kids didn't get straight A's, they didn't get E's on all their learning skills. What they got where reports cards that reflect who they are, what they need and how they've grown. I can see the growth. I can see their confidence and see the change.
For those of you reading this thinking you'll never see a positive report or see a positive school year. Keep going. Keep moving forward. Keep seeking the support. Continue to be a parent who loves your child and support them. I can promise you'll see the pay off. It's hard, it's stressful, you loss sleep, you cry and more often then you want you ask why you. I can promise you that things will change. Believe in your self as a parent and fight for your child and you'll see it! Love you child no matter what and never stop fighting!!!