How We Got Our Kids to Stop Losing the Remote!
If nothing else this time at home has taught us lots of new things about our kids. The biggest thing we’ve learning…. They are ALWAYS losing the Apple TV Remote. Anyone else have kids always losing something? Read how we fixed our problem.
It doesn’t always have to be pretty!
As we enter into week 11, yup 79 days of quarantine, my husband and I are learning all kinds of amazing things about our kids. We are learning that they are all super funny, in their own way. We are learning that they each have their own clothing style. We’re learning their learning styles and what they enjoy about school.
The biggest thing we’ve learning? Our kids are FOREVER LOSING the remote. Everyday, several times a day we’d hear from the basement “where’s the remote?”, “who had the remote last”, “guys where’s the remote???”.
To each of these questions my husband and I would shrug and say, “well you lost it you find it!” This would lead to many, many minutes of whiny children until they retraced their steps and would eventually find the remote.
Where would it be you ask? Oh you know, under the couch, under the carpet and often in the bathroom.
Yup, the bathroom. The last one holding it would take it hostage from the other, so that while they were in the bathroom the other couldn’t change the show! UGH!!!
Our “remote stick”. Not pretty but it sure does the job!
What was the final straw you ask? One work day, now that we’re all working from home, the kids lots the remote at least, and this a rough guess, 5 times in one day. 5 times they came running to us, while in meetings and working, saying “Liam lost the remote!!” or “Toby can’t find the remote” each always blaming the other.
Well we’d had it. I honestly didn’t know what to do. My engineer husband had an idea.
He disappeared into our shed and came back several minutes later with a two foot long stick.
To be honest I wasn’t sure what he was up too. He took the stick and then garbed the duct tape, again I was not following.
Then he located, with some help from our children, the “lost” remote and proceeded to duct tape it the end of the two foot long stick.
LOL! The boys thought it was hilarious, I thought it was brilliant.
The struggle was real with losing the remote daily.
Simple is sometimes best!
Needless to say over the past few weeks we have not once had to deal with a lost remote!
So what’s the point of my story? To simply say that sometimes the solution to your problem doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy. Sometimes the simplest idea is the best!
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