Mothers Intuition - We always know
As a mom of three I know my kids from the minute they get up in the morning I can tell how the day is going to go for them, just on hard their feet hit the floor in the morning. That intuition has been my savior on a few moments through my parenting journey and this road I am on with two sons.
For those who have followed you know the story, but for those who are new... Well I have three kids, one identified with learning disability, ADHD and anxiety, my middle son I suspect has an LD but has a diagnosis of ADHD. From an early age with my oldest I knew something was up. When started preschool and they would tell me about his behaviour I knew, deep down, that something was up. To be very honest I didn't want to see it at first. It's never easy to believe that there's an issue and we want to ignore that voice. I am here to say DO NOT IGNORE THAT VOICE. If it calls loud enough listen, it's telling you something.
Listen to that voice!
Here's the thing, as parents we are keenly aware of who are children are and what they need. Even from very early on, in the first few days we learn quickly what those cries mean and how to help them. It's the same thing for those struggling to find a place for their child if they learn differently. Teachers are wonderful but at the end of the day it's the parents that make the greatest impact on support and advocacy. The squeaky wheel is the one that gets noticed. If you think something is up tell someone. Even if that person dismisses you at first... Keep the thought, let it sit with you and if you still think something is up keep talking.
When it comes to learning challenges here are a few quick things you can do right away to move things along a little bit.
1. Tell your child's doctor of your concerns and feelings. See if they have any observations.
2. Get your child's hearing and sight tested. If you can't see or hear very well it will effect how you do things.
3. Talk to your partner or spouse about what you think and feel. Do they notice anything?
4. Don't google things.... This will only make it worse
5. Lastly if your child is in daycare or school speak to the teachers. They understand child development and might be able to help in determining if something is off or not.
Remember, you know your child better then anyone out there. If you think something is going on there is never harm in making sure everything is alright. Knowledge is power!