Goals for 2019!!!

It's a new year and that always means taking a look back at where you've been an looking to what comes in the future. So before I go to much into what I hope and know is coming up, I am going to take a minute and review what's happened.

Amazing things about 2018!

- Starting this project Access to Education in the support of parents and children struggling to find support

- My own children made many gains. My eldest has started to show huge improvements in his behaviour, social skills and academics

- Our middle child got an official diagnosis of ADHD which has opened doors and understanding for his strengths and needs

What's coming in 2019???

- Our middle child will finally be getting a Psycho-educational Assessment to understanding his learning strengths and needs better.

- Our eldest child will return once again to Camp Kirk for another 10 days to continue to grow his social and behavioural skills to continue his positive gains.

- This web page will continue to grow and provide more insight and support to families in need.

- Listen up!!! There's a podcast coming in which I was interviewed by the Dyslexia Quest about how to support our children as the go through the stages of growing and learning

Remember to ask questions. What would you as readers like to hear about in 2019? What are the things you are looking for support or answers to? Drop me a line so I can continue to support you in your understanding of your child's learning challenges.

Delphine Rule